![Aster Bell Remix Competition! Logo_medium](https://2img.net/h/astorbell.com/remix/logo_medium.png)
Hit the link below if you would like to participate!
ASTORBELL1st Anniversary Remixes:
Open for Submissions
Our artists have backtracked into their harddrives and extracted these singular moments, scattered them over the floor and are hoping you can assist in pasting them back together into something wonderful.
We would like to invite you to participate in Astor Bell's 1st Anniversary Remixes.
Your submissions can be uploaded to us using the SoundCloud dropbox. The deadline for entries is May 1st, 2010.
The remixes that we enjoy the most will be released as a compilation in June 2010.
For questions use: remix (at) astorbell.com.
Thanks for listening and happy remixing!