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TDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc Voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_vote_rcap 
TDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc Voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_vote_rcap 
TDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc Voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_vote_rcap 
TDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc Voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_vote_rcap 
TDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc Voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_vote_rcap 
TDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc Voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_vote_rcap 
TDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc Voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_vote_rcap 
TDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc Voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_vote_rcap 
TDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc Voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_vote_rcap 
TDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc Voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_vote_rcap 
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PARADOX_v1 (3708)
TDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc Voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_vote_rcap 
No:051184 (3131)
TDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc Voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_vote_rcap 
somepepeshit (2924)
TDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc Voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_vote_rcap 
jcb94 (2707)
TDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc Voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_vote_rcap 
Psychosocials (2399)
TDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc Voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_vote_rcap 
karriu (1946)
TDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc Voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_vote_rcap 
milfer (1837)
TDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc Voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_vote_rcap 
Phenomenal- (1581)
TDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc Voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_vote_rcap 
skillzkid (1559)
TDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc Voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_vote_rcap 
REDROB7 (1545)
TDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc Voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_voting_barTDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc I_vote_rcap 


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TDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc Empty
PostSubject: TDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc   TDK stacks 10 layers on a single 320GB disc Icon_minitimeMon 5 Oct - 7:46

Even though we have yet to see the long-hinted 100GB and 200GB prototype Blu-ray discs as real products, TDK is looking beyond that, ready to display 320GB ten-layer platters at CEATEC 2009 that can be read and written with current blue laser technology. Key in stacking so many layers is improving the transmittance of the outermost layer as seen above - that nearly clear one on the right doesn't require a more powerful laser to get through. The only thing we can't see? When or if any of these will actually be released.
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