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PostSubject: first thoughts on new maps and game mode!   first thoughts on new maps and game mode! Icon_minitimeFri 15 Jun - 2:42

Have people played the new maps and game mode yet, me and jacko played quite a few games to day and the maps are pretty good, the games seem to be a lot less laggy then normal modes aswell which was good, i didnt even punch my remote once which is the first time on mw3! Smile
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PostSubject: Re: first thoughts on new maps and game mode!   first thoughts on new maps and game mode! Icon_minitimeFri 15 Jun - 4:04

Not had a dable yet but I'm day off tomorrow so will play from about 10.30 tonight I think
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PostSubject: Re: first thoughts on new maps and game mode!   first thoughts on new maps and game mode! Icon_minitimeFri 15 Jun - 4:42

Can't get onto the ps store are there problems?
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PostSubject: Re: first thoughts on new maps and game mode!   first thoughts on new maps and game mode! Icon_minitimeFri 15 Jun - 4:49

the map and modes are quality. (me and Veg tearin it up king) and yes mike ya have to try about 5-6 times to get onto it Smile
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PostSubject: Re: first thoughts on new maps and game mode!   first thoughts on new maps and game mode! Icon_minitimeSun 17 Jun - 22:28

it is good, won all the games i have been in, however it is a bit slow.
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PostSubject: Re: first thoughts on new maps and game mode!   first thoughts on new maps and game mode! Icon_minitimeMon 18 Jun - 22:48

free ones are good...me ridge mike and microsnipe made lots of other teams leave due to our awesomeness
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PostSubject: Re: first thoughts on new maps and game mode!   first thoughts on new maps and game mode! Icon_minitimeTue 19 Jun - 5:52

somepepeshit wrote:
free ones are good...me ridge mike and microsnipe made lots of other teams leave due to our awesomeness

Yeah I enjoyed that good streak Smile
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PostSubject: Re: first thoughts on new maps and game mode!   first thoughts on new maps and game mode! Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jun - 2:54

just played on aground and left within about 2 mins (sorry pepe Smile ) but i got epic rage.
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PostSubject: Re: first thoughts on new maps and game mode!   first thoughts on new maps and game mode! Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jun - 22:12

just played a 1v1 on erosion the guy immediately climbed the tower so i stunned him twice then naded him and he rage quit as though i was the one using cheap tactics
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PostSubject: Re: first thoughts on new maps and game mode!   first thoughts on new maps and game mode! Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jun - 22:40

jcb94 wrote:
just played on aground and left within about 2 mins (sorry pepe Smile ) but i got epic rage.

so did i but i finished the game, they knew the spawns and were damn good players

demolished me
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PostSubject: Re: first thoughts on new maps and game mode!   first thoughts on new maps and game mode! Icon_minitimeMon 25 Jun - 20:30

Can't wait to get back online and give it a go!
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PostSubject: Re: first thoughts on new maps and game mode!   first thoughts on new maps and game mode! Icon_minitimeTue 26 Jun - 1:16

Psychosocials wrote:
Can't wait to get back online and give it a go!

you will regret it lol
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PostSubject: Re: first thoughts on new maps and game mode!   first thoughts on new maps and game mode! Icon_minitime

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