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This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Voting_barThis is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! I_voting_barThis is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! I_vote_rcap 
This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Voting_barThis is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! I_voting_barThis is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! I_vote_rcap 
This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Voting_barThis is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! I_voting_barThis is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! I_vote_rcap 
This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Voting_barThis is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! I_voting_barThis is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! I_vote_rcap 
This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Voting_barThis is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! I_voting_barThis is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! I_vote_rcap 
This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Voting_barThis is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! I_voting_barThis is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! I_vote_rcap 
This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Voting_barThis is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! I_voting_barThis is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! I_vote_rcap 
This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Voting_barThis is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! I_voting_barThis is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! I_vote_rcap 
This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Voting_barThis is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! I_voting_barThis is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! I_vote_rcap 
This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Voting_barThis is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! I_voting_barThis is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! I_vote_rcap 
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PARADOX_v1 (3708)
This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Voting_barThis is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! I_voting_barThis is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! I_vote_rcap 
No:051184 (3131)
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somepepeshit (2924)
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jcb94 (2707)
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Psychosocials (2399)
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karriu (1946)
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skillzkid (1559)
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REDROB7 (1545)
This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Voting_barThis is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! I_voting_barThis is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! I_vote_rcap 


 This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size!

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This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Empty
PostSubject: This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size!   This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Icon_minitimeTue 15 Mar - 7:45

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This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size!   This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Icon_minitimeTue 15 Mar - 8:21

smash! done him good n proper. good lad
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This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size!   This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Icon_minitimeTue 15 Mar - 8:39

From the comments:

"I dont know if any of you know this but im an actual doctor.The kid was limping because he fucked up and messed with a kid he had no buisness messing with in my opinion.but back to the point kid was limping and looked confused because the way he hit his spine smacked the pavement hes lucky if hes alive if he is he might be handicapped or the rest of his life. So moral of the story if you think your a hard ass think about what might happen if you pick on that one kid you think is a loser ; )"
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Warrant Officer-3
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This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size!   This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Icon_minitimeTue 15 Mar - 9:40

i love this vid, i showed bobby it about an hour ago!
spongebob is no longer my hero this kid is!!! Very Happy
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This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size!   This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Icon_minitimeTue 15 Mar - 10:27

class that we punk deserved it
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This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size!   This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Icon_minitimeTue 15 Mar - 10:32

love it Very Happy i know a couple of annoying kids in my school that i could hire that guy to take care of Wink
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This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size!   This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Icon_minitimeTue 15 Mar - 10:33

skillzkid wrote:
From the comments:

"I dont know if any of you know this but im an actual doctor.The kid was limping because he fucked up and messed with a kid he had no buisness messing with in my opinion.but back to the point kid was limping and looked confused because the way he hit his spine smacked the pavement hes lucky if hes alive if he is he might be handicapped or the rest of his life. So moral of the story if you think your a hard ass think about what might happen if you pick on that one kid you think is a loser ; )"

if you click on that guys name his page says hes 14

best one i seen was

Wimpy Kid uses punch.

It's not very effective

Fat kid uses hulk smash.

It's very effective.
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This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size!   This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Icon_minitimeTue 15 Mar - 10:41



the big lad got a moment of rage and smashed that little punk, hope he broke his leg
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This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size!   This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Icon_minitimeThu 17 Mar - 4:34

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This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size!   This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Icon_minitimeThu 17 Mar - 4:37

somepepeshit wrote:


the big lad got a moment of rage and smashed that little punk, hope he broke his leg

he fractured it
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This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size!   This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Icon_minitimeThu 17 Mar - 8:13

watched the original again

Epic smash
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This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size!   This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Icon_minitimeThu 17 Mar - 11:20

jcb94 wrote:
somepepeshit wrote:


the big lad got a moment of rage and smashed that little punk, hope he broke his leg

he fractured it

How u know? it must only be a hair line then or his leg would have folded, not just caused him to limp
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This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size!   This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Icon_minitimeThu 17 Mar - 11:41

I think it has to be some form of spinal damage?
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This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size!   This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Icon_minitimeThu 17 Mar - 11:54

REDROB7 wrote:
jcb94 wrote:
somepepeshit wrote:


the big lad got a moment of rage and smashed that little punk, hope he broke his leg

he fractured it

How u know? it must only be a hair line then or his leg would have folded, not just caused him to limp

it was in another video about. theres also another picture of him on crutches as well.
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Warrant Officer-4
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This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size!   This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Icon_minitimeThu 17 Mar - 20:42

ohh he got smacked really bad on the pavement or the brick wooow he is so stupid why would you do that just start on a big guy.
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This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size!   This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Icon_minitimeFri 18 Mar - 6:43

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Warrant Officer-3
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This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size!   This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Icon_minitimeFri 18 Mar - 10:21

I wanted to do something like this with the health bars when i first saw the vid but had no idea how to lol

Totally epic! Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size!   This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar - 1:34

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This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size!   This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar - 3:26

ouch... that must've hurt..., little guy didn't see that coming Razz
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This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size!   This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar - 7:33

Interviewer - Will you bully again???
Smashed kid - Aaaaa probably not.

That punk needs to get smashed again

Round 2???

bully's dad Vs the fat kid
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Lieutenant Colonel
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This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size!   This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar - 8:22

No:051184 wrote:
Interviewer - Will you bully again???
Smashed kid - Aaaaa probably not.

That punk needs to get smashed again

Round 2???

bully's dad Vs the fat kid

i feel sorry for the bullys dad
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Warrant Officer-3
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This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Empty
PostSubject: Re: This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size!   This is why you don't bully a kid twice your size! Icon_minitimeTue 29 Mar - 21:31

The bully deserves everything he gets, he clearly wasnt sorry for what he did, hopefully this will make other people think twice about bullying in the future!
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