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 one of my friend- rap song on cod

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Warrant Officer-4
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PostSubject: one of my friend- rap song on cod   one of my friend- rap song on cod Icon_minitimeFri 1 Oct - 9:13

I should make a song for the noobs
Where i give them tips on how to improve
I was running and gunning on any map
Using Last Stand, is a wasteman!
This isn't a race man
Slow down the death pace man
Going 5 and 20?
Is there really a smile on your face man!

How is it guys
What do you think ???
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PostSubject: Re: one of my friend- rap song on cod   one of my friend- rap song on cod Icon_minitimeFri 1 Oct - 10:57

Very good, who was it?
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Warrant Officer-4
Warrant Officer-4

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PostSubject: Re: one of my friend- rap song on cod   one of my friend- rap song on cod Icon_minitimeFri 1 Oct - 17:41

someone i knw Aaron not from our school hahaha i was like that's good
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PostSubject: Re: one of my friend- rap song on cod   one of my friend- rap song on cod Icon_minitimeFri 1 Oct - 17:52

not bad

When your posting a new thread in future can you make sure its in the proper section as this one was in the recruitment section
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Warrant Officer-4
Warrant Officer-4

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PostSubject: Re: one of my friend- rap song on cod   one of my friend- rap song on cod Icon_minitimeSat 2 Oct - 4:33

opppps sorry i didn't notice that i was in recruitment section
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PostSubject: Re: one of my friend- rap song on cod   one of my friend- rap song on cod Icon_minitimeSat 2 Oct - 4:37

no problem
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Warrant Officer-4
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PostSubject: Re: one of my friend- rap song on cod   one of my friend- rap song on cod Icon_minitimeSat 2 Oct - 4:42

i checked it was in general discussion area not in the recruitmeny section :S
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PostSubject: Re: one of my friend- rap song on cod   one of my friend- rap song on cod Icon_minitimeSat 2 Oct - 5:14

I moved it after i posted that this morning
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Warrant Officer-4
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PostSubject: Re: one of my friend- rap song on cod   one of my friend- rap song on cod Icon_minitimeSat 2 Oct - 5:46

oh righttttt thanx mike
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PostSubject: Re: one of my friend- rap song on cod   one of my friend- rap song on cod Icon_minitimeSat 2 Oct - 23:22

haha nice 1
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Warrant Officer-4
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PostSubject: Re: one of my friend- rap song on cod   one of my friend- rap song on cod Icon_minitimeWed 6 Oct - 5:17

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