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PostSubject: MW2 best game played so far?   MW2 best game played so far? Icon_minitimeWed 11 Nov - 2:22

What does everyone think? Overhyped or best game ever? Question
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PostSubject: Re: MW2 best game played so far?   MW2 best game played so far? Icon_minitimeWed 11 Nov - 6:44

Well party system doesn't seem to be working, at all, well me, ridge and ma brother got in a party once but only found a game with shit connection

but other than that, its a jizz fest!
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PostSubject: Re: MW2 best game played so far?   MW2 best game played so far? Icon_minitimeWed 11 Nov - 6:47

I think its way overated tbh. Good game though. Feel a bit ripped off with thee price.
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PostSubject: Re: MW2 best game played so far?   MW2 best game played so far? Icon_minitimeWed 11 Nov - 7:33

PARADOX_v1 wrote:
I think its way overated tbh. Good game though. Feel a bit ripped off with thee price.

27quid in sainsbury mate, cant go wrong
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PostSubject: Re: MW2 best game played so far?   MW2 best game played so far? Icon_minitimeThu 12 Nov - 12:55

Well I only paid £32 from ASDA. It's the best £32 I've spent in a long time. I've just completed the single player mode and fecking loved it. That much so I'm going for another round.... I've had a couple of games online, but have to say it's just a campers paradise....

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PostSubject: Re: MW2 best game played so far?   MW2 best game played so far? Icon_minitimeThu 12 Nov - 19:10

The__Loner wrote:
Well I only paid £32 from ASDA. It's the best £32 I've spent in a long time. I've just completed the single player mode and fecking loved it. That much so I'm going for another round.... I've had a couple of games online, but have to say it's just a campers paradise....

Single Payer 9/10
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campers paradise? you must love it then!
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PostSubject: Re: MW2 best game played so far?   MW2 best game played so far? Icon_minitimeThu 12 Nov - 21:13

Any of the games ive played there is not really much camping going on - give it a few weeks so that people get used to the maps and stuff then rate it!
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PostSubject: Re: MW2 best game played so far?   MW2 best game played so far? Icon_minitime

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